Welcome to High5

High5 template is a free Template for your website. This is a valid xHTML and Valid CSS template and W3C-Compilant. The template is designed by ThemeBin. The template weighs just 30.5 KB. This template is licensed under Creavtive Commons India 2.5 License, which means you are free to modify this template as per your needs for any purpose. And please keep the back link to my site in the credits (footer) intact. That will make the CC License vaild.

For more templates, themes, wallpapers and more, visit my website. Hope you find this template useful and best of luck!

How to change the user picture in welcome message?

To change the user picture beside the welcome message above, replace the user_pic.png in assets folder with your own 75x75 .png picture.


Image and Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce velit pede, lacinia eu, tempor nec, vestibulum non, dolor. Aenean malesuada laoreet lacus. Vivamus lementum, felis ac ullamcorper blandit, neque erat porttitor lorem, non aliqfet quam magna ac enim. Morbi tempus odio eu lorem. Quisque volutpat, odio id gravida commodo, turpis orci consequat augue, eget dignissim odio tellus et lacus. Nulla nulla nisl, porta eu, ullamcorper vitae, facilisis in, nulla.Curabitur a pede. Mauris at metus quis nulla eleifend pharetra. Sed accumsan. Maecenas ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat.


#sample {
text-align: left;
font-weight: bold;
color: #FFFFFF;

Block Quote

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce velit pede, lacinia eu, tempor nec, vestibulum non, dolor. Aenean malesuada laoreet lacus....

Example List

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday

Sample Form