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Biography of authors
EDVARD Ivan Sergey (1818-83), Russian writer, corresponding member of Petersburg AN (1860). In tsykle of stories of «Message of hunter» (1847-52) showed high spiritual qualities and gift of the Russian peasant, poetry of nature. In the socially-psychological novels «Rudyn» (1856), «Nobiliary nest» (1859), «The day before» (1860), «Fathers and children» (1862), the «Asya (1858) stories», «Vernal water» (1872) appearances of leaving nobiliary culture and new heroes of epoch of raznochyntsev and democrats, appearances of the selfless Russian women, are created. In novels Smoke» (1867) and virgin «Soil» (1877)                 represented life of Russians abroad, populist in         Russia. In the twilight of life created ëčđčęî-              philosophical «Poems in prose» (1882).
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May install one copy of the Software on your Com puter file server for the purpose of downloading and installing the Software onto other Computers within your internal network up to the Permitted Number or you may install one copy of the Software on a Computer file server within your internal network for the sole.
purpose of using the Software through commands, data or instructions ou may install one copy of the Software

• Computers within your internal network up to the
• Permitted Number or you may install one copy of the
• Software on a Computer file server within your internal