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Images and Captions with Javascript

Most awesome stuff has been happening recently in the world. For example, Pluto got demoted to the status of a dwarf planet.

Then there's the unearthing of the 3.5 million-year-old skeleton of Lucy's sister Salem in Ethiopia.

  • Dukedom
  • Earldom
  • Monte Cresto
  1. Excellent
  2. Ecletic
  3. Grandiloquent
  4. Bombast

I'm another paragraph. I don't really need this but I just wanted to show it. I need to write more before the blockquote goes down far enough to give me a clear understanding of how much space it leaves between itself and whatever comes before it.

Say, I'm a blockquote.

And there's no reason we can't have two paragraphs in a blockquote.

You want to show a caption for your image? Me too. It's a pity that we can't use the <caption> element with an image. I thought about using a def. list to associate the image with its caption, but I really didn't want to go to the extra trouble every single time. So: I decided to go the javascript way. An acronym, an abbreviation, a citation or two, some code that doesn't look at all like code, and some deleted text go to a bar [...]

Last of the Books

Sample Picture Here

Praesent eget sem nec sem pretium mattis. Pellentesque iaculis sapien. In sem quam, molestie ut, sagittis non, auctor a, leo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc augue diam, lacinia non, vulputate sce lerisque, pretium ut, lectus.

Fusce justo. I'm abbr. Lalala. Acro . Donec magna tortor, dictum in, suscipit a, posuere in, erat. Quisque non velit. Nulla quis nunc.

Vestibulum vel odio eget metus faucibus ullamcorper. Proin sodales urna quis velit. Mauris eros diam, egestas eu, consectetuer nec, semper sit amet, eros. Fusce ac libero. Aliquam sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras varius orci sed pede. Fusce eleifend tincidunt odio. Aenean magna. Duis sed leo et mi fermentum viverra. Phasellus nisi turpi, adipiscing sed, adipiscing placerat, convallis ac, sem. Aenean at turpis in nisi pulvinar ullamcorper. Ut sed nib. Aenean orci lacus, porta ac, aliquet id, malesuada a, nisl. Curabitur venenatis gravida nisi. Aliquam mattis. Nula sapien dui, consequat a, varius a, laoreet a, metus. In feugiat orci eget sapien. Etiam ultrices, leo vel gravidar sodales, eros eros tristique sem, at vulputate purus nisi vel neque. Donec vel enim. Quisque a arcu in ligula moll is placerat. Aliquam imperdiet.

Sed urna. Duis vitae sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc sit amet nunc. Cras augue urna, posuere eu, porttitor ut, tempor vitae, diam. Vivamus vel velit. Vestibulum in sapi. Maecenas nisl ligula, hendrerit eu, consequat nec, euismod id, neque. Donec mi risus, varius at, condimentum vitae, tinci dunt id, tellus. Nullam magna nisi, consectetuer vel, scelerisque nec, viverra eget, justo. Ut porta. Suspendisse conguer risus in libero dictum eleifend. Curabitur tempor lectus vel pede. Fusce luctus. Ut eu felis. Nulla ligula erat, tempor in, pretium non, elementum non, mauris. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur eu ligula.

Nam hendrerit, dolor ac venenatis venenatis. Also stuff is happening. More stuff. Diam urna posuere velit, at imperdiet turpis urna interdum nunc.
