BlueBird is very easy to customize. Becuase each section of this template are seperated. Element spacing and alingment has given by speprate class of bootstrap. All the features, section, element, class listed in documentation.
BlueBird is updated regularly with new exciting features and layouts. All future updates are included with your original purchase. Our approch to release new category and element each week.
BlueBird is pixel perfect and fully responsive design as per latest web design trends. It's very simple design and each category perfectly match with it's goals. It's comes after lot's of customer research.
Well commented and structured, easy to understand and customizable code. It's a bootstrap standard template, so don't worry about mountain of coding and make your website slow loading.
Homex 使用 bootstrap4 网格系统构建。它是一款流行的响应式页面构建器。
您可以从 flaticon 创建和使用大量图标。您可以从这里使用任何图标作为字体。
我们还包括 Font Awesome 图标。我们添加了最新版本的 FontAwesome。
有一个 jQuery 控件设置并使用所有最新版本的插件。
所有模板均经过 w3schools 验证。无代码错误和警告问题。
该模板具有 100% 响应度。无论在大型还是小型设备上,它都清晰可见。
我们使用谷歌字体作为字体。页面顶部包含谷歌字体 API。
这个模板对 SEO 非常友好。它适合单页 SEO。