您好,感谢您使用 Tivo SaaS App HTML 登陆页面模板。Tivo 是一个使用 Bootstrap 构建的 HTML 登陆页面模板,具有图像滑块、选项卡、详细信息灯箱、视频灯箱、文本滑块、下拉导航、额外页面和工作通讯、注册、登录表单。
基于 Bootstrap 4、HTML5、CSS3、PHP 和 JavaScript 构建,它将帮助您以美观高效的方式实现您的在线营销目标。
使用的框架和工具包:Bootstrap 4、Popper、jQuery、jQuery Easing、Validator、Magnific Popup、Swiper。
您可以使用您喜欢的文本和代码编辑器编辑模板的 Html、Css、Php、Js 文件:Notepad++、Visual Code、Sublime或任何其他...
对于图像编辑,您可以使用Adobe Photoshop或您选择的任何其他图形编辑器。
文档- 是此帮助文件的文件夹。Web
包含模板的 html、css、js 和 php 文件。
Web文件夹包含index.html文件,您将使用它来打开模板和附加页面:article-details.html、log-in.html、privacy-policy.html、sign-up.html 和 term-conditions.html。除了 index.html,您还会找到以下文件夹:
- 将图像文件放在图像文件夹
- 打开进行编辑index.html
- 查找导航部分
- 在此处找到这行代码:
<a class="navbar-brand 徽标图像" href="index.html"><img src="images/logo.svg" alt="alternative"></a>
- Tivo 使用 svg 图像作为某些部分(如页眉和页脚)的背景装饰
- 此图像并非来自图像文件,而是由 index.html 中针对上述每个部分生成的以下代码生成
- 例如,以下是页眉
<svg class="header-frame" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" retainAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 1920 310"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#5f4def;}></style></defs><title>header-frame</title><path class="cls-1" d="M0,283.054c22.75,12.98,53.1,15.2,70.635,14.808,92.115-2.077,238.3-79.9,354.895-79.938,59.97-.019,106.17,18.059,141.58,34,47.778,21.511,47.778,21.511,90,38.938,28.418,11.731,85.344,26.169,152.992,17.971,68.127-8.255,115.933-34.963,166.4 92-67.393,37.467-24.032,148.6-112.008,171.753-127.963,27.951-19.26,87.771-81.155,180.71-89.341,72.016-6.343,105.479,12.388,157.434,35.467,69.73,30.976,168.93,92.28,256.514,89.405,100.992-3.315,140.276-41.7,177-64.9V0.24H0V283.054Z"/></svg>
.header-frame { margin-top: -1px; /* 删除 FF 中的白色边缘 */ 宽度:100%; 高度:2.25rem; }
.页脚框架 { 宽度:100%; 高度:1.5rem; }
- 编辑并保存Images文件夹
- 打开并编辑index.html - 找到
<div class="图片容器"> <img class="img-fluid" src="images/features-1.png" alt="alternative"> </div> <!-- 图像容器结束 -->
- 编辑并保存Images文件夹
- 打开并编辑index.html - 找到
<div class="图像包装器"> <img class="img-fluid" src="images/testimonial-1.jpg" alt="alternative"> </div> <!-- 图像包装器结束 -->
Tivo 使用 Swiper 插件作为文本滑块。您可以更改设置,例如:幻灯片之间的时间、悬停时暂停、对键盘的反应等,方法是访问插件页面:http://idangero.us/swiper/api/并将它们添加到js/scripts.js中的文本滑块 - Swiper部分
/* 文本滑块 - Swiper */ var textSlider = new Swiper('.text-slider', { 自动播放: { 延迟:6000, disableOnInteraction:false }, 循环:真, 导航: { nextEl: ‘.swiper-button-next’, prevEl: ‘.swiper-button-prev’ } });
Tivo 在许多部分和元素中使用Font Awesome图标字体。
To change one of the Font Awesome icons you can simply replace the classes that you'll find in index.html e.g. fa-map-marker-alt, fa-envelope, fa-globe with the ones that you need from http://fontawesome.io/icons/
To change social media icons in the Footer section of the template, you need to:
- Open index.html from the template folder
- Find the section Social Media in the Footer:
- And replace fa-facebook, fa-twitter, and so on... with the classes name that you need from http://fontawesome.io/icons/ in the Brand Icons section
- Also don't forget to replace href="#your-link" with the link to your social page or account
If you want to control the way the posts look like when you share the landing page on social media (Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn especially) don't forget to update the OG Meta Tags (OpenGraph) in the Head section of the index.html file.
<meta property="og:site_name" content="" /> <!-- website name --> <meta property="og:site" content="" /> <!-- website link --> <meta property="og:title" content=""/> <!-- title shown in the actual shared post --> <meta property="og:description" content="" /> <!-- description shown in the actual shared post --> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <!-- image link, make sure it's jpg --> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <!-- where do you want your post to link to --> <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
To receive emails with data from your visitors simply change the line $EmailTo = "yourname@domain.com"; to your email address in the php folder in the following files:
Attention:The script only runs online (on a liver server with PHP support) so the forms will not work while the landing page is offline on your hard-drive
If you want to change input fields names, you will need to update them accordingly in the following files:
- 在表单部分找到以下代码块
函数 sformSuccess() { $("#signUpForm")[0].reset(); ssubmitMSG(true, "注册已提交!"); $("input").removeClass('notEmpty'); // 提交后重置字段标签 }
函数 sformSuccess() { $("#signUpForm")[0].reset(); window.location.href = "https://yourlinkhere.com"; }
高级产品:我们非常重视支持,并通过电子邮件 lucian@inovatik.com 提供,自购买之日起 12 个月内有效。