Easy to find out what you are looking for: shop, product, payment, blog & many more pages already included by carrot. Light weight & Easy to customize, We have did this with high quality standard with unique design to build your marketplace more comfortable.
Easy to find out what you are looking for: shop, product, payment, blog & many more pages already included by carrot. Light weight & Easy to customize, We have did this with high quality standard with unique design to build your marketplace more comfortable.
Easily get current location or select it manually.
Current Location
Easily get current location or select it manually.
On shop page your products describe with description using grid feature.
Shop Grids & Filter
On shop page your products describe with description using grid feature.
Eye catching cart sidebar with increase or decrease quantity of product.
Cart Sidebar
Eye catching cart sidebar with increase or decrease quantity of product.
Modern category sidebar to find product easily.
Category Sidebar
Modern category sidebar to find product easily.
Subscribe the carrot to get in touch and get the future update.
Subscribe the carrot to get in touch and get the future update.
Quickview popup for check product details easily.
Quickview popup for check product details easily.
Footer navigation links collapsed on mobile screen.
Footer Navigation
Footer navigation links collapsed on mobile screen.
Carrot have use ultimate core features like SCSS, SEO Optimization, W3 validate Code, Well Documentation, Fully Structure | Organized and commented code.
W3 validate
Google Fonts
Browser Compatibility
SEO Optimize
Well Documentation
Owe Carousel
Slick Carousel
Carrot have use ultimate core features like SCSS, SEO Optimization, W3 validate Code, Well Documentation, Fully Structure | Organized and commented code.