Welcome To Purple Perfection

Purple Perfection is a unique purple tableless design.

I made this design for a client recently and decided to submit a simplified version for everyone to see and use. It validates XHTML 1.0 Transitional and Validates as CSS. The inner content box is expandable in every direction, so you can set it wider if you like. The picture here of the purple flowers can be found on stock.xchnge and there are no restrictions on its use. The only thing I really ask is if you happen to use this design please keep the "design" graphic at the bottom linked back to me. Enjoy!

Some features of this design:

  • No Tables!
  • Validates HTML 4.01 Transitional
  • Validates CSS
  • All rounded corners
  • Header image uses Ohio Script on the top
  • Monotype Corsiva on the bottom
  • Accents are Printers Ornaments One
  • Looks good in IE!