Pixel Diamond 的创建考虑到了您创建完美游戏和电子竞技杂志所需的一切。从许多不同的主页、帖子和新闻页面版本,到大量用于电子竞技比赛、游戏概述、团队和玩家页面、流媒体等的酷炫小部件!
包含 288 多个项目的 HTML 元素库
为了让您更轻松,我们创建了一个元素库来包含模板中包含的所有 CSS 和 JS 项目。
您将找到小部件、表格、滑块、图表、按钮、表单、SVG 图标等!所有内容都排列在一个易于浏览的库中,因此您可以找到所需的任何元素,并轻松复制代码以根据需要自定义 HTML!玩得开心!
了解 Pixel Diamond 提供的所有功能!我们确保模板易于自定义,包括 Google 字体、帮助文档、PSD 文件、图标 Webfont 等!
我们在包中包含了 64 个 HTML 文件,其中包含 CSS 动画、弹出窗口和帮助文件,以便您可以轻松地自定义它们!
Google 字体
我们在包中包含了 64 个 HTML 文件,其中包含 CSS 动画、弹出窗口和帮助文件,以便您可以轻松地自定义它们!
包含 PSD 文件!节省 12 美元
我们已包含全部 63 个 PSD 文件,因此您可以根据需要自定义设计元素和页面!(不包括照片)。
您将在 PSD 文件中找到所有插图,如论坛图标、徽章等!使用 PS 矢量制作,可更轻松地进行自定义。
84+ 电子竞技小部件
Pixel Diamond 响应速度极快,因此您可以从任何设备轻松浏览:台式机、平板电脑和智能手机。
Inside the documentation file you’ll find help to guide you with all the features and plugins included in the template.
Pixel Diamond
Magazine Pages
The magazine pages were designed so you can have all the options to build your dream site. Among other features, you’ll find several home layouts, posts and news versions, events calendar, sponsors and mega menus.
Different Posts and News Versions
Keeping in mind that not everyone has the same needs, we included lots of different posts layouts (including sliders, progress bars and carousels) and news pages.
You’ll find news pages versions for gaming news, game reviews, movie reviews, geeky news, and videos each one with different layouts and features. Choose the ones you like the most or mix up the elements to create a new and unique one!
Events Calendar, Widget and Description
We know that it’s important for a magazine to have a good events calendar, so we designed calendar and upcoming events widgets, an events page and a detailed description page so people will always remember what’s to come!
Pixel Diamond
eSports Pages
Everything you need for eSports! Including a new Homepage, Newspage, Post Page, Standings, Results, Overviews, Team & Players Info, Streamers, Tournament Page and tons of cool Stats Widgets like Player Builds and Hero Stats.
Dedicated eSports Sections & Pages
Knowing how important eSports have become in the last few years, we carefully crafted a dedicated sections and pages just with eSports in mind.
Along with new a new homepage, newspage and post page, we also included a matches results bar below the breaking news bar. We also included widgets and a page for streamers!
Super Detailed
Match Overviews
So you can have lots of options to choose from, we designed 4 different match overview pages, each one with different designs, layouts and widgets for different games. Choose the one that suits you or build a new one mixing the elements!
We also included a tournament page with standings, tournament bracket, ticket blocks, play days overview and lots of other incredible stuff!
84+ Detailed eSports Widgets & Graphs
We designed 84+ detailed widgets & graphs so you can have the best elements to build the perfect eSports website. Among others you’ll find game overviews, score boxes, team leaders, detailed hero stats, lineups, stats boxes, roles stats, tournament info, tickets, player builds an many more!
Having in mind the different needs that different games have, we designed several versions of some of them to fit all you may need, for example, match overview boxes for single scores and multiple games ones, or team lineups with players and heroes names and photos, big ones with detailed stats, or simpler ones with fewer information.
Pixel Diamond
Shop Pages
完整的商店页面,让您打造完美的商店。您会发现不同的版本,例如带有 3 列和侧边栏的页面,以及带有大滑块的 4 列页面。我们还设计了外观独特的页面,例如库存袋和愿望清单!
为了给您提供所有可能的元素,我们设计了一个超级完整的商店。您会发现 3 和 4 个产品栏页面(带和不带侧边栏),一个非常详细的产品页面,带有专门的评论设计,以便买家可以对硬件、图形或声音等进行评分。
我们希望论坛用户的体验更加有趣,因此我们创建了一个游戏化系统,其中包含 51 种不同的徽章(25 种主徽章,每种都有自己的小版本以及“锁定徽章”),所有徽章均可在 PSD 文件中完全自定义。我们还包含所有类别的插图!