Fastkart Html Template

Welcome to Fastkart!

When you unpack downloaded archive from you'll get folder containing 2 folders.

  1. Documentation - Documentation for Fastkart HTML site template
  2. Template - Fastkart Main Folder
  • Fastkart
    • assets
      • css
        • Vendors
          • Bootstrap
            • all bootstrap css
          • Font-Awesome
            • all font-awesome css
          • Slick
            • all slick css
        • bulk-style.css
        • dark.css
        • font-style.css
        • style.css
      • fonts
        • all fonts files
      • images
        • all images
      • js
        • Bootstrap
          • fare bootstrap js
        • Feather
          • fare feather js
        • Slick
          • fare slick js
        • Touchspin
          • fare touchspin js
        • all js files
      • scss
        • base
          • _reset.scss
          • _typography.scss
        • components
          • _alert.scss
          • _breadcrumb.scss
          • _button.scss
          • _cookie_bar.scss
          • _counter.scss
          • _form.scss
          • _label.scss
          • _lazyload.scss
          • _loader.scss
          • _modal.scss
          • _nav-tabs.scss
          • _newsletter.scss
          • _pagination.scss
          • _ratio.scss
          • _slider.scss
          • _tab.scss
          • _tap_to_top.scss
          • _timer.scss
          • _title.scss
          • _tooltip.scss
        • layout
          • _banner.scss
          • _blog.scss
          • _category.scss
          • _footer.scss
          • _header.scss
          • _home.scss
          • _item.scss
          • _nav.scss
          • _newsletter.scss
          • _offer.scss
          • _review.scss
          • _product.scss
          • _service.scss
        • pages
          • _coming-soon.scss
          • _inner-page.scss
          • _product_page.scss
          • _shop_page.scss
        • themes
          • _dark.scss
          • _rtl.scss
        • utils
          • Mixin
            • _animation.scss
            • _breakpoints.scss
            • _common.scss
          • _dark_variables.scss
          • _variables.scss
        • vendor
          • bootstrap
            • all bootstrap scss files
          • feather-icon
            • all feather icon scss files
          • font-awesome
            • all font-awesome scss files
          • slick
            • all slick scss files
          • _bootstrap.scss
          • _feather-icon.scss
          • _font-awesome.scss
          • _slick.scss
        • style.scss
        • dark.scss
      • SVG
        • all svg icon
    • html
      • All Html
    • index.html

Installing Node.js

First, you must download and install node.js. NPM stands for node packaged modules and is a way to manage development dependencies through Node.js.

Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform, and start developing, you can download it from

You can check it in your terminal window using these commands node --version and npm --version.

Installing Gulp

GulpJS is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something.

NPM use the package.json file and automatically install the required local dependencies listed in it.

dependencies are : gulp, browser-sync, gulp-autoprefixer, gulp-livereload, gulp-pug, gulp-sass, livereload

We have added all necessary gulp task in gulpfile.js, for more details about plugin refer this link

How to set live reload path

Go to Gulpfile.js

proxy: "localhost/Your project name"

In Fastkart template, google fonts have been used. google fonts are open source and easy to use. Fastkart have used following fonts:

you can use different google fonts. following are the steps

  1. Go to Google Fonts.
  2. Use the filters on the left-hand side to display the kinds of fonts you want to choose and choose a couple of fonts you like.
  3. To select a font family, press the ⊕ button alongside it.
  4. When you've chosen the font families, press the [Number] Families Selected bar at the bottom of the page.
  5. In the resulting screen, you first need to copy the line of HTML code shown and paste it into the head of your HTML file. Put it above the existing element, so that the font is imported before you try to use it in your CSS
  6. You then need to copy the CSS declarations listed into your CSS as appropriate, to apply the custom fonts to your HTML.

In Fastkart template, we have used 4 colors or 4 styles. following are the colors:

If you want to change demo color you have to add class in body tag theme-color{2,3,4} by default it take demo 1 color

<!-- Add class to body tag -->
<body class="theme-color-1">

Fastkart have mainly used FontAwesome Icons. FontAwesome icons available in, other icons are available in assets/images/icon

how to use FontAwesome font

for example:

<i class="fas fa-camera"></i> <!-- this icon's 1) style prefix == fas and 2) icon name == camera -->
<i class="fas fa-camera"></i> <!-- using an <i> element to reference the icon -->
<span class="fas fa-camera"></span> <!-- using a <span> element to reference the icon -->

how to use Feather Icon

for example:

<i data-feather="circle"></i>

If you want RTl template, changes are below:

<!-- Add direction rtl in html tag -->
<html lang="en" dir="rtl"
<link id="rtl-link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assets/css/vendors/bootstrap.rtl.css">

If you want Dark template, changes are below:

<!-- Replace style.css with dark.css -->
<link id="color-link" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assets/css/dark.css">
<!-- add class dark in html tag -->
<body class="dark">

Ratio Classes: Change your image proportion by just adding class

If you use image as background than add class ".bg-img" in image and add below class in parent.

RTL button is for demo purpose only, following is the steps to remove that buttons:

  1. Remove code from HTML file, you can find it on the bottom of the page and above the script.
  2. Remove theme-setting.js from bottom of the page.
  3. Remove _theme-setting.scss(assets/scss/themes/_theme-setting.scss) from style.scss(assets/scss/style.scss)
    and compile using gulp or any other compiler software.

without this plugins and products, our template will be incomplete.

open source plugins

Once again thank you for purchasing one of our Templates , if you like our Templates please rate us

Best Regards, Pixelstrap