
Can't you people take the law into your own hands? I mean, we can't be policing the entire city! We started out like Romeo and Juliet, but it ended up in tragedy.

Stan Lee Never Left

What's the point of going out? We're just going to wind up back here anyway. Well, he's kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidentally" with "repeatedly" and replace "dog" with "son." Kids, kids. I'm not going to die. That only happens to bad people.

Beer. Now there's a temporary solution. Look out, Itchy! He's Irish! How could you?! Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain Whatshisname? We live in a society of laws! Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well, I didn't hear anybody laughing, did you?

Well, he's kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidentally" with "repeatedly" and replace "dog" with "son." What's the point of going out? We're just going to wind up back here anyway. You know, the one with all the well meaning rules that don't work out in real life, uh, Christianity.

Thank you, steal again. Marge, you being a cop makes you the man! Which makes me the woman — and I have no interest in that, besides occasionally wearing the underwear, which as we discussed, is strictly a comfort thing. Attempted murder? Now honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry?

Thank you, steal again. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. Bart, with $10,000 we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like…love! I didn't think it was physically possible, but this both sucks *and* blows. Beer.


Cali Doe

14 April, 2013

I prefer a vehicle that doesn't hurt Mother Earth. It's a go-cart, powered by my own sense of self-satisfaction. I didn't get rich by signing checks.


Cali Doe

14 April, 2013

I prefer a vehicle that doesn't hurt Mother Earth. It's a go-cart, powered by my own sense of self-satisfaction. I didn't get rich by signing checks.


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