Maybe a big background image here

Some little text here perhaps

Click here

Welcome to Summer Fields!

This design was actually inspired by a template I saw on a popular template site. I took a look at a screenshot of it, and decided that I wanted to make a completely standards following rendition of the design concept. I made all the images and the code from scratch, based on the screenshot that I felt would make a nice clean and bright business layout.

There are 6 images used in this design. 5 of those images together total only 1.5KB and the other is the sunflower image which is 5.7KB and simple a placeholder for your own images later. The pale blue background of the page is easily changed in the CSS to whatever color you want (looks pretty good if you do pure white or navy instead).

There is a sub-page layout included, and you can very easily change all the colors that you find here. This site should turn out to be very lightweight for quick load-time.

Summer Fields

Your slogan here

Our Services

Some little heading line here that talks about this area.

Some link here
And some more text below it to continue on.

Maybe this is more text about this link area.

Some link here
And some more text below it to continue on.

Maybe this is more text about this link area.

Some link here
And some more text below it to continue on.

Maybe this is more text about this link area.