
Invoice No: #745664

Must Read:
This e-ticket will only be valid along with an ID
proof in original. if found travelling without ID proof,
passenger will be treated as without ticket and
charged as per extant Railway rules.
Invar Stadium:
4510 E 96th St, Indianapolis,
IN 46240, Inoba, Austona
+153 5463 2548
Order Date:
Payment Method:
Credit Card

Booker Information:

S No:Name:Age:Gender:Guest No:Status:
1Alex Jender25Male5Confirm
Agent: Invar IncPhone: +153 6547 6987Email:
Address: 237 Roanoke Road, Kishorgong, Keranigong, Sylet, Bangladesh

Seat Information:

Seat ID:Block:Row:Seat No:
Calingpong VS Alipurduar Genarel Seat$35.003$105.00
Calingpong VS Alipurduar Child Seat$25.002$50.00
Other’s Charge$20.00
Total Amount:$175.00
Payment Info:

Credit Card No: 2456**********
A/C Name: Alex Jender

Balance Due:$00.00

Invar Inc:
12th Floor, Plot No.5, IFIC Bank, Gausin Rod, Suite 250-20, Franchisco USA 2022.

NOTE: This is computer generated receipt and does not require physical signature.