


Hello, and welcome to Scotchmark, my latest contribution to the open source community. Hopefully you can find some use for this design, or maybe just use it as some kind of inspiration.

With Scotchmark, I'm aiming for a more minimalistic template so that it can be easily changed to suit any type of site. The template is a fixed width, tight design with emphasis on a grid-like structure and lots of borders.

Top Bar

In order to provide better modifibility, the bar at the top of the layout is able to be broken into one, two, or three pieces (as shown) in a matter of seconds. The bar is made out of div classes, and by changing the number of classes, and the name of the class, you can change how many segments there are.

For example, the bar as shown has three top-content3 classes. To change it in to two segments, take out one of the classes and change the others to top-content2.


As per usual, Scotchmark rigorously adheres to web standards. The code is valid Xhtml Strict and CSS 2.0. The layout has been tested in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Camino, and will work in all common screen resolutions. It will also function sans-images or css.

Styled Elements

This section showcases elements that are already styled in the Css. For example, text can be strengthened, or emphasized, and text links can get you where you need to go.

Heading Style 1

Heading Style 2

Heading Style 3

Design is not superficial vanity, it's better communication.

- Greg Storey



Email Address:

Shameless Self Promotion

I work as a freelance web designer, so if you're looking for somebody to work with on a site design, corporate identity, or other project, drop me a line. Email through OWD, OSWD, or directly.