
Theme Color Customization


Font Family : To add Google Fonts or a custom font using Tailwind CSS, follow these steps:

  • Link Google Fonts (if using Google Fonts) In your HTML file, locate the head section and add the following code to link the desired font from Google Fonts:
      <link href=";500;600;700;800&amp;display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> 
  • Use a Custom Font (if applicable) If you have your own custom font files, follow these steps:
    • Prepare Font Files Place your font files (e.g., .woff2, .woff, .ttf) inside the assets/fonts/ directory of your project.
    • Declare @font-face in CSS In your CSS file (or within a style tag in your HTML file), define the @font-face rule to specify the custom font and its location. Here's an example:
        @font-face {
          font-family: 'Nunito';
          src: url('/assets/fonts/Nunito.woff2') format('woff2'),
              url('/assets/fonts/Nunito.woff') format('woff'),
              url('/assets/fonts/Nunito.ttf') format('truetype');
      Adjust the font-family name and the src URLs according to your custom font's name and file paths.
    • Configure Tailwind CSS In your Tailwind configuration file (tailwind.config.js), locate the theme section and add or update the fontFamily property. Here's an example:
        module.exports = {
          theme: {
              fontFamily: {
                  nunito: ['Nunito', 'sans-serif'],
              // Other theme configurations...
          // Other Tailwind CSS configurations...
      Add a new entry to the fontFamily object with a key-value pair where the key is the name you want to use for the font family (e.g., nunito), and the value is an array of font names. In this example, we used 'Nunito' as the primary font and 'sans-serif' as the fallback font.
  • Update Font Class or Usage Replace the existing font class in your HTML or component code with the new font family class defined in Step 3. For example, if you previously used a class named font-nunito, update it to use the font family class:
      <div class="font-nunito">Text using the Nunito font</div> 

Theme Colors : You can update your own custom colors in tailwind.config.js. This colors will reflect in whole project once you run the project.

  colors: {
    primary: {
        DEFAULT: '#4361ee',
        light: '#eaf1ff',
        'dark-light': 'rgba(67,97,238,.15)',
    secondary: {
        DEFAULT: '#805dca',
        light: '#ebe4f7',
        'dark-light': 'rgb(128 93 202 / 15%)',
    success: {
        DEFAULT: '#00ab55',
        light: '#ddf5f0',
        'dark-light': 'rgba(0,171,85,.15)',
    danger: {
        DEFAULT: '#e7515a',
        light: '#fff5f5',
        'dark-light': 'rgba(231,81,90,.15)',
    warning: {
        DEFAULT: '#e2a03f',
        light: '#fff9ed',
        'dark-light': 'rgba(226,160,63,.15)',
    info: {
        DEFAULT: '#2196f3',
        light: '#e7f7ff',
        'dark-light': 'rgba(33,150,243,.15)',
    dark: {
        DEFAULT: '#3b3f5c',
        light: '#eaeaec',
        'dark-light': 'rgba(59,63,92,.15)',
    black: {
        DEFAULT: '#0e1726',
        light: '#e3e4eb',
        'dark-light': 'rgba(14,23,38,.15)',
    white: {
        DEFAULT: '#ffffff',
        light: '#e0e6ed',
        dark: '#888ea8',