The easy way to
takeover a lease

Live in New York, New Jerset and Connecticut!

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  • 4 People
  • Hybrid
  • 6.1km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 8.2km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 5.3km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 7.7km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 7.6km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 7.2km / 1-litre
  • Automatic

Get started with 4 simple steps

Create a profile

Register on our platform to access a personalized car rental experience.

Tell us what car you want

Specify your preferred car model, rental period, and pick-up location.

Match with seller

Our algorithm will match you with the best available car rental options.

Make a deal

Finalize the rental agreement with the car owner and enjoy your hassle-free ride.

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