The easy way to
takeover a lease

Live in New York, New Jerset and Connecticut!

Featured cars

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  • 4 People
  • Hybrid
  • 6.1km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 8.2km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 5.3km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 7.7km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 7.6km / 1-litre
  • Automatic
  • 4 People
  • Gasoline
  • 7.2km / 1-litre
  • Automatic

Four reasons to rent a car in Waydex

Looking for a reliable car rental? Look no further! Our company offers affordable prices, full insurance coverage, and support on the road. With minimum bureaucracy, you can get on the road hassle-free.

Support on the road

We've got you covered with 24/7 support on the road. No matter where you are, we'll be there to help you out.

Affordable prices

Our prices are competitive and affordable. We strive to provide the best value for your money.

Minimum of bureaucracy

We know your time is valuable. That's why we've simplified the rental process and eliminated unnecessary bureaucracy.

Full insurance

Drive with peace of mind knowing that our rental cars come with full insurance coverage. You are safe with us.

Customer reviews