An Inside Page Title
H2 - Section Header
This is where you would put an introductory paragraph about this page.
This template was designed by people who understand the importance of search engine optimization, and is therefore search engine friendly. For instance, it uses CSS, clean code, H1,H2, H3 tags, has a footer sitemap, an html sitemap, a yoga sites page so you can add resources, etcetera. Don't forget to customize the titles and meta tags on each page!
H3 - How To Use This Free Yoga Website Template
This is an inside page. It is called insidepage.html. You will want to rename the file to match whatever this page is going to be about. Once you rename the file, you will also want to update the links in the footer, sitemap and side navigation. You can update the links in the footer and side navigation by using the main.dwt file in Dreamweaver, located in the /templates folder. You can update the links on the sitemap by going to the /sitemap.html file. From now on you can use this page to clone new inside pages.
H5 - Small header example
This might be a good place to put in a call-to-action, such as inviting the reader into your yoga studio for a free trial.