
Participate IGO Stake

256.50 BUSD
  • Lock period: 07 days
  • Extends lock on registration: Yes
  • Early unstake fee: 30%
  • Status: Unlocked
0% APY*
  • Lock period: 14 days
  • Extends lock on registration: Yes
  • Early unstake fee: 30%
  • Status: Unlocked
12% APY*
  • Lock period: 30 days
  • Extends lock on registration: Yes
  • Early unstake fee: 30%
  • Status: Unlocked
25% APY*
  • Lock period: 60 days
  • Extends lock on registration: No
  • Early unstake fee: 30%
  • Status: Unlocked
35% APY*
Once staked, you need to register for every IDO, so we can calculate the guaranteed allocation. Once registered, we lock your tokens, but you still can participate in other IDOs. *APY is dynamic.


Total Value Locked




Number of Stakers

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