• location: 312 S Shore Rd, New York 12078, USA
  • call to order 24/7: 910-344-7520

Best Pizza In New York!
Delicious And Quality

312 S Shore Rd, Caroga Lake, New York 12078, USA
Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 21.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am - 22.00pm
Sunday: 8.00am - 20.00pm
Holiday: Closed
Frequently asked questions

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Question That Needs
To Be Answered, Consult It Now!

What is Contactless Delivery?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

How to do I avail contactless delivery?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

Can I do Cash-on-delivery for contactless delivery?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

Do I have to pay extra to avail the contactless delivery service?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

How do I know where my pizzas will be kept?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

How do I know where my pizzas will be kept?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

Where can I avail contactless delivery?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

How do I know where my pizzas will be kept?

Contactless Delivery means that there will be no direct contact between customer and delivery rider. Meal will be placed in a pre-agreed location and avoid touching or close face to face contact. Morbi aliquam mi sed aliquam inter-dum. Nam convallis nec odio vel faucibus.

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