• location: 312 S Shore Rd, New York 12078, USA
  • call to order 24/7: 910-344-7520

Best Pizza In New York!
Delicious And Quality

312 S Shore Rd, Caroga Lake, New York 12078, USA
Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 21.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am - 22.00pm
Sunday: 8.00am - 20.00pm
Holiday: Closed

Learn About Our
Formation And
Development Process.

To Be What We Are Today We Went Through A Process.

1968: The formation of a small pizza shop.

In 1958, two brothers borrowed $600 from their mom to open a pizza place in Wichita, Kansas. They named it Basilico Pizza because their sign only had room for eight letters. The restaurant’s popularity grew quickly due to the delicious food and quality service.

Today, there are more than 16,000 independently owned and operated Basili-co Pizza restaurants. Our 100+ franchise partners employ 350,000 team mem-bers in over 100 countries.

1970 - 1975: Brand development and promotion stage.

In 1958, two brothers borrowed $600 from their mom to open a pizza place in Wichita, Kansas. They named it Basilico Pizza because their sign only had room for eight letters. The restaurant’s popularity grew quickly due to the delicious food and quality service.

Today, there are more than 16,000 independently owned and operated Basili-co Pizza restaurants. Our 100+ franchise partners employ 350,000 team mem-bers in over 100 countries.

1978 - 1983: Expanding 2 more facilities in new york.

In 1958, two brothers borrowed $600 from their mom to open a pizza place in Wichita, Kansas. They named it Basilico Pizza because their sign only had room for eight letters. The restaurant’s popularity grew quickly due to the delicious food and quality service.

Today, there are more than 16,000 independently owned and operated Basili-co Pizza restaurants. Our 100+ franchise partners employ 350,000 team mem-bers in over 100 countries.

1996 - 2005: Franchise for 100 establishments.

In 1958, two brothers borrowed $600 from their mom to open a pizza place in Wichita, Kansas. They named it Basilico Pizza because their sign only had room for eight letters. The restaurant’s popularity grew quickly due to the delicious food and quality service.

Today, there are more than 16,000 independently owned and operated Basili-co Pizza restaurants. Our 100+ franchise partners employ 350,000 team mem-bers in over 100 countries.

2006- To Present: America's leading pizza brand.

In 1958, two brothers borrowed $600 from their mom to open a pizza place in Wichita, Kansas. They named it Basilico Pizza because their sign only had room for eight letters. The restaurant’s popularity grew quickly due to the delicious food and quality service.

Today, there are more than 16,000 independently owned and operated Basili-co Pizza restaurants. Our 100+ franchise partners employ 350,000 team mem-bers in over 100 countries.

discovery gallery

Our Memorable Moment

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Are you looking for a pizza shop? #1 pizza in town!! Yum Yum.

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