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Creative Commons License & Useage

This design and all originally distributed html pages and associated stylesheets (css) are copyrighted under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License:

Which means you are free to:

  • share — to copy, distribute, display, and publish these works online,
  • remix — to make derivative works from my original source files, but..
  • you must *attribute my work in the manner specified by below and..
  • you must make clear to others the licensed terms of my work.

*You are free to use and modify my work for any purpose, but you need to keep the provided links (at the very bottom of each webpage) back to my website -OR- read below for ways to get what you want while getting the warm fuzzies for doing a good thing and helping other starving artists.

Removing links and attribution (Personal use)

If you wish to use these files and need/want to remove the attribution link I've set up a paypal account for a favorite local artists coop as the beneficiary.

For a minimum donation of 10.00 (or more) I'll send you an email with my written permission to remove my attributions from all publically displayed media for 1 instance/installation per donation as well as a personal thank you note for your contribution to our local arts.

For paypal payment info contact me.

Removing links and attributions (Commercial use)

For a corporate license (or unlimited use) please contact me.

About Creative Commons

Share, reuse, and remix — legally.

Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved."

They're a nonprofit organization. Everything they do — including the software they create — is free.