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Contact form DEMO

Email From:* Subject: First:* Last:* Company: Address: Telephone: Mobile: Website: Comment:

* indicates required field.

About Contact Form

There's lots of options when it comes to including a contact form with your website. I've included the basic, php-enabled form here but, left it inoperable due to environment factors that will be dependent upon your webhosting package.

Forms written in PHP are quite useful and ultimately suited for a website as PHP integrates seamlessly within the HTML framework and is cross platform compatible (meaning it does exactly the same whether your viewers are browsing on a Mac,PC or Linux box.)

In a nutshell, what this form will would do is: accept input from the user, store each bit of input in unique handfulls until the form is completed and then deftly spit back out the user input into either an email form (sent to you) or, added to another PHP function which would collect the users information and add it to your database records.